Where have I been? Did I fall down a well?

It's safe to say it's been a while since I've done anything cybersecurity-related. In my last post, I believe I was just finishing up the application process for the Cybersecurity Bachelor’s program at SANS, a well-known and highly regarded institution in the cybersecurity realm. Unfortunately, I found myself disappointed. The entry-level material didn’t feel much more advanced than what I had learned on platforms like Udemy. For such an expensive school, I expected more.

All of the coursework consisted of recorded videos of instructors reading from a learning plan. The available labs weren’t nearly as good as those I had previously experienced on sites like TryHackMe or Hack The Box. Enrolling in classes was a hassle too—I constantly had to follow up with admissions just to ensure I was in the right courses.

I did manage to earn two entry-level certifications from SANS: one in security fundamentals and another in foundational security. However, after narrowly missing my GSEC certification by 6 points, I decided to part ways with SANS. I was dealing with a lot in my personal life at the time—my wife was battling cancer, and we were told it was terminal (thankfully, it wasn’t!). Although I explained this to the school staff, they showed little empathy. They wouldn’t allow me to retake the exam without paying an additional $800.

The whole experience left me feeling like the program was just a big cash grab. It was really disappointing.

After leaving SANS, I was left with a bitter taste in my mouth regarding the cybersecurity field as a whole. The infosec community on Twitter, which I used to follow closely, became a source of frustration. I saw a lot of toxicity—people arguing, throwing each other under the bus, and posting controversial content. And these were some big names in cybersecurity.

Following all of this, I threw in the towel on cybersecurity.

Since then, I've started a business in my small Upper Michigan town. My wife and I own an auto detailing shop. We’ve been incredibly busy for the past two years that we’ve been in operation, and we were thrilled to win the award for Best Detail Shop in town! This award was voted on by the community, so it was especially meaningful to us.

In addition to running the business, I’ve been working on a different bachelor’s degree. Believe it or not, I’m attending The Los Angeles Film School and working toward a degree in Digital Filmmaking. I’ve always wanted to go to film school, and now I’ve finally made it happen. What I’ll do with this degree is still up in the air, but I have a few ideas for the future.

Recently, I’ve been setting some personal goals—goals for life, family, and fatherhood. One of those goals is to pick up where I left off and give cybersecurity another shot. So here I am, a little over two years since my previous journey. I’m picking up the books and finishing what I started.

Wish me luck. I’ll keep this blog updated as I continue my Journey Into Cybersecurity!


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